Tuesday, 13 June 2006 – 11:42 (GMT) – The holistic osmosis of Dhana.


Monday, 12 June 2006 – 10:55 (GMT) – Until today, Dhura has issued 357,234,085,000 Dhana with real value and/or guaranteed by a real value par to 370,450,153,894 grams of platinum 999/1000 (pledged shares of capitals of enterprises from different countries and /or on real estate, metal coins and tickets with metal string).


Wednesday, 7 June 2006 – 17:23 (GMT) – A year ago, the 7th of June 2005, Dhana abandoned the fix exchange rate with the Euro and introduced the one with platinum: 1 Dhana (DHX) = 1 gram of fine platinum 999/1000 (XPT). At the current quotation of platinum (1gr. XPT = 33.65 EUR = 43.34 USD), in one year the value of Dhana has increased by 34.6%.


Tuesday, 6 June 2006 – 10:51 (GMT) - Dhura has issued the 42 billions Dhana (40 billions to be assigned and 2 billions for humanitarian initiatives) scheduled for the 31st of December 2005 (21 billions) and for the 31st of July 2006 (21 billions), according to the Dhana issue program below. With these two last issues, the issued amount results in 340 billions Dhana to be assigned and 17 billions Dhana for humanitarian initiatives, totaling 357 billions issued Dhana. All the issued Dhana – except metal coins and tickets with lamina – are entirely guaranteed by pledged capitals of enterprises for a nominal value equal to 1 gram of fine (999/1000) platinum per 1 Dhana. At the current platinum quotation (1 gram of platinum XPT = 44.16 USD = 34.11 EUR), such guarantees are equivalent to about 12,138 billions Euro, par to about 15,708 billion US Dollars.


Friday, 2 June 2006 – 10:32 (GMT) – The Italian company Avatar Spa, worth 207 billion Euro assets (fifth in the world in market value order), has decided to increase the nominal value of its equity capital from 199 billion to 400 billion Euros. The undersigners of the new shares have already pledged the relative resource. The increase will be invested entirely in real estate. The increase will reinvested directly in real estates and firms of different countries.


Thursday, 31 May 2006 – 16:10 (GMT) – From hierarchy to conarchy. doc - pdf


Tuesday, 9 May 2006 - 15:55 (GMT) - Stages of the process of making the Republic of the Earth and Dhana popular.


Monday, 8 May 2006 - 10:45 (GMT) - The isolation of the United States of America from the world's economy.


Tuesday, 2 May 2006 – 18:00 (GMT) - Dhana in a few words.


Thursday, 20 April 2006 – 15:16 (GMT) – Between the 1st October 2005 and the 20th April 2006 the value of Dhana has increased yearly by 35.669% compared to the Dollar and by the 29.8426% compared to the Euro.


Saturday, 15 April 2006 – 20:41 (GMT) - Holos Holding S.A. equity capital survey.


Monday, 13 March 2006  - "The future of legal tender currencies"


Thursday, 2 March 2006 - 12:15 (GMT) - About "The new reality"


Sunday, 15 January 2006 – 11:30 (GMT) – There is no alternative. The only authority to be able to establish a universal and enduring peace is a worldwide government directly elected by the inhabitants of the planet (Republic of the Earth). The essential means in order to redistribute wealth equally among all the inhabitants of the planet is a worldwide currency with a real work-based value (Dhana). With the Republic of the Earth and Dhana it’s possible to build a future different from the one that will otherwise be expected. Together it’s possible. (Rodolfo Marusi Guareschi)


Saturday, 17 December 2005 – 17:35 (GMT) – about war and poverty.

All the peoples of the Earth desire peace but national states and their organizations have demonstrated they’re not able to avoid war. No national state can impose its force to all the others. No international organization can prevent the use of force by the strongest countries. The only authority that could establish peace and apply law on the entire planet is a supranational government directly elected by the inhabitants of the planet.  This worldwide government can’t rise from the states but only from the single persons that acknowledge themselves as part of a universal republic. If not there’s nothing else left to do than to accept war. It’s up to us. Together we can. Who represents the organized will of all the planet’s peoples has more authoritativeness than all existing armies.

The majority of humanity lives in poverty due to an enormous wealth distribution disparity. Legal tender currency is the means for the concentration of wealth in few hands. Currency was born to represent goods. Because currency has been issued in a bigger quantity than the goods it should represent, law set currency’s value. It has become a fake bill with no expiring date. If currency had a real value it wouldn’t need legal tender. The only means to redistribute wealth is currency with real value assigned in equal parts among all the inhabitants of the planet. Because work is the fundamental measure for goods value, currency shouldn’t represent goods but work. The adoption of the currency based on work and not on goods doesn’t depend upon enterprises or banks; indeed it depends on workers that can ask it as payment instead of legal tender currency. If not there’s nothing else to do than accept poverty. It’s upon the workers. If they want, they can. A currency asked for as payment by the majority of the inhabitants of the Earth becomes worldwide currency and substitutes legal tender currencies issued by banks.


Wednesday, 16 November 2005 – 17:02 (GMT) – Text «Cosmopolitic society and universal republic»


Tuesday, 8 November 2005 – 11:23 (GMT) – The Republic of the Earth's letter to the United States of America Congress members has been transmitted. Text about origin and future published.


Friday, 4 November 2005 – 9:50 (GMT) - «Diachronic synchronism» by Rodolfo Marusi Guareschi.


Wednesday, 18 October 2005 - 15:50 (GMT) - The foreseeable average purchase power increase of Dhana in relation to its spreading and to the volume of exchanges has been worked out.


Monday, 10 October 2005 - 10:03 (GMT) - The organisational structure of Dhura, the body that issues Dhana and controls its monetary system, has been activated. Dhura is in charge of issuing, spreading and converting Dhana.


Saturday, 8 October 2005 - 14:39 (GMT) - Personnel cost  (wages) of the organizational structure of Holos Global System revised per Country, according to the currency's purchase power.


Wednesday, 5 October 2005 - 15:45 (GMT) - Who undertakes the commitment to free humanity pacifically from the social, civil, politic, economic, moral and religious hegemony of some small organized groups in conflict among themselves, and to change the hierarchical structure of the human system in a participative structure, is bound to use means, strategies and praxis morally irreproachable according to the universally acknowledged natural law but also has the responsibility and is obliged to preserve the conditions necessary to achieve concretely the proposed results.


Wednesday, 5 October 2005 - 10:05 (GMT) - Holos Global System Governance has been established to run the structure and organization of Holos Global System.


Sunday, 2 October 2005 - 18:09 (GMT) - World 2006 and Holos Global System (the 30 initiatives + Balaloka + Planet Fund + Public loans) - All Countries - World total - Notes


Saturday, 1 October 2005 - 11:20 (GMT) - Due to the adoption of the exchange rate of 1 Dhana per 1 gram of Platinum (instead of 1 Dhana per 25 Euro) decided beginning from the 7th of June 2005, from the 18th to the 30th of September 2005 (12 days) the exchange rate of Dhana compared to the other currencies (1 Dhana = 27.2386 Euro = 32.7462 US Dollars) has increased by the 3.0118%, par to 91.6% yearly.


Saturday, 24 September 2005 - 11:36 (GMT) – Press Freedom in the World (htmlpdf).


Tuesday, 20 September 2005 - 11:43 (GMT) - At the end of 2005, the total debt of the United States of America will amount to 39,400 billion US Dollars (8,100 State, 10,700 private and 20,500 enterprises), against a forecast 2005 GDP of 13,960 billion US Dollars, equal to about a third of the total debt.


Sunday, 18 September 2005 - 10:01 (GMT) - Due to the adoption of the exchange of 1 Dhana per 1 Platinum gram (instead of 1 Dhana per 25 Euro) that had been decided beginning from the 7th of June 2005, in 103 days the exchange rate of Dhana compared to the other currencies (1 Dhana = 26.44225 Euro = 32.36267 US Dollars) has increased by the 5.769%, equal to the 20.44% yearly. In the same period, the real purchase power of Dhana has increased by the 11.461%, equal to the 40.61% yearly.


Monday, 12 September 2005 – 17:04 (GMT) – Advanced restitution of the original capital made available to Holos Global System [] – Between 2001 and 2002 monetary resources equivalent to 11,452 billion US Dollars were made available to carry out the Holos Global System Program, and enterprise capitals with nominal value par to 12,932 billions Euro were made available to guarantee the issue of 517 billion Dhana. Such availability was subjected to the triple condition that the involved individuals must have been kept anonymous until the program wasn’t achieved, that all the resources must have been used exclusively to carry out the initiatives the program provided (not its promotion) and that the integrity of the resources must have been guaranteed from any kind of taking away, so that if they wouldn’t have been employed within thirty years the resources would have been returned to who lent them. Such conditions have been observed. But, because the income risen from the use of the resources through Holos Bank [] is higher than the original capital, this can be returned. And that’s what will be done in near future, with the precautions such important movements require. The cost of Holos Global System therefore remain fixed to 13 thousand billions US Dollars (exactly 13,199,962,586,000 EUR) and the guarantees for the issue of 523 billion Dhana, of which 498 billions to be assigned and 25 billions for humanitarian initiatives, remains fixed to 13 thousand billion Euro (exactly 13,078,700,000,000 EUR). What’s going to change? Nothing, if not that because there is no second condition anymore, the resources won’t have to be used exclusively to carry out the Holos Global System Program but they will be able to be used also for its promotion in all the world, including the actuation of the Republic of the Earth and the spreading of its Dhana currency. With no more conditions.


Tuesday, 6 September 2005 – 16:47 (GMT) –  Open letter from the Republic of the Earth to the citizens of the United States of America.


Friday, 2 September 2005 – 14:11 (GMT) – The «To feel to be» text has been published, it's a sinthesys of the initiatives promoted by Rodolfo Marusi Guareschi that will be transmitted in each language in each country - HTML - PDF.


Thursday, 1 September 2005 - 14:02 (GMT) – A new special version of Dhana has been issued: the Peace coin.


Wednesday, 31 August 2005 – 18:54 (GMT) - In a few weeks, enterprise workers will be able to ask for their remunerations to be paid in Dhana, at an exchange rate of 1 Dhana per 1 gram of 999/1000 platinum (today 1 Dhana = 25.5608 Euro = 31.2481 US Dollars. Because the purchase power of Dhana is meant to increase during time, to ask firms for increases in work remunerations won't be necessary anymore.


Tuesday, 30 August 2005– 17:09 (GMT) – Holos Holding S.A. equity capital survey.


Thursday, 18 August 2005 – 10:31 (GMT) – A text by Rodolfo Marusi Guareschi about future.


Tuesday, 26 July 2005 – 18:12 (GMT) – Due to the new exchange of 1 Dhana per 1 gram of 999/1000 Platinum, decided the 7th of June 2005, the issuing cost reimbursement for the Dhana to be assigned has been adjusted proportionally per Country to the relative average per capita GDP


Friday, 15 July 2005 - 9:25 (GMT) –The post-state-controlled civil society and the community's new order. (docpdf)


Monday, 11 July 2005 – Terrorists .pdf


Monday, 6 June 2005 - Beginning from the 7th of June 2005, Dhana will drop the exchange rate par to 25 Euro per 1 Dhana and will adopt the new exchange rate of 1 Dhana per 1 gram of pure platinum (999 per thousand). The adoption of the new exchange rate is due to the conversion in platinum of the values pledged as guarantee of Dhana. Nothing changes for the Dhana with intrinsic value, which already had exchange rate par to 1 Dhana per 1 gram of platinum.


Thursday, 19 May 2005 – 19:05 (GMT) – Letter of the Republic of the Earth about the necessity of a world government directly elected by the inhabitants of the planet. ( wordpdf )


Saturday, 2 April 2005 – 22:12 (GMT) - «I pay tribute to the Man that has had the courage and the strength to beg pardon for the errors made by His predecessors. Thanks. John Paul II used the maximum power a pope disposes of towards freedom, justice and peace. Now it’s the turn of all of us.» Rodolfo Marusi Guareschi


Thursday, 31 march 2005 – 18:20 (GMT) – As provided by the Agenda 2005, a further 150 billions Dhana to be assigned and 7.5 billions Dhana for humanitarian initiatives have been issued, as well as the already issued 150 billions Dhana to be assigned and the 7.5 billions for humanitarian initiatives. Therefore, the Dhana issued until today’s date amount to 300 billions Dhana to be assigned and 15 billion Dhana for humanitarian initiatives, for a total of 315 billions Dhana, guaranteed by capitals of enterprises with value par to 7,875 billion Euros, par to 25 Euros per each issued Dhana (the Dhana issued with intrinsic value are not included in the total).


Wednesday 23 March 2005 – 18:35 (GMT) – Dhana value increase in relation to its diffusion - World XLS PDF - Countries XLS PDF - When the spread will be completed, with 100 Dhana assigned to each of the almost 5 million inhabitants of the Earth aged at least 16, Dhana’s value will result increased by nearly 55 times, passing from 1 Dhana per 33.5 US Dollars to 1 Dhana per 1,833 US Dollars. We therefore suggest to the current assignees of Dhana not to exchange it with other currencies until the diffusion is completed.


Wednesday 16 March 2005 – 10:35 (GMT) - The updated total of the resources made available for Holos Global System Program+ Dhana + Balaloka + Planet Fund is equal to 24,240 billions of Euro, par to about 32,482 billion US Dollars HTML - PDF


Thursday, 10 March 2005 – 14:01 (GMT) – Survey equity capital of Holos Holding S.A.


Monday, 7 March 2005 – 11:00 (GMT) –  Kayamara – the elimination of death – word - pdf


Tuesday 1 March 2005 – 15:47 (GMT) – Fundamental differences between Dhana and the other currencies.


Tuesday, 1 March 2005 – 11:25 (GMT) – The list of the 630 members of the Republic of the Earth International Assembly elected between the 13th and the 19th of February 2005 is ready, but, according to the «Electoral control committee» appointed according to the Rules for the election of the International Assembly, article 8, the proclamation of 325 elected persons can’t be considered as certain, due to the continuous interruptions of the voting procedures caused by the termination of the voting program of computer services providers from some countries. Therefore, for a higher guarantee of the elected persons and of the voters, the election will have to be repeated through computer science instruments (Holos System) that no one can attack. The date of the new election will be fixed soon.


Thursday, 24 February 2005 – 14:15 (GMT) – The election of the Republic of the Earth International Assembly is finished, the results will be published in a few days. Once the name of the elected persons will be verified, the International Assembly will be convened and, as already stated, the conversion of the Dhana assigned in any other currency will begin. The adherents are invited to keep the confidentiality adopted until communicated otherwise. Thanks.


Wednesday,16 February 2005 - Message from Rodolfo Marusi Guareschi. TextAudio


Monday, 14 February 2005 - Beginning from the 13th of February 2005, the elections of the Republic of the Earth International Assembly will be taking place. The voting procedure software is heavy, we therefore kindly ask you to be patient and wait for technical timing at each step. We kindly ask those entering the web with someone else's password to mention also their own one. Thanks.


Friday, 11 February 2005 - This message has been sent to those taking part in the Republic of the Earth: "Rodolfo Marusi Guareschi is in prison. In Italy. For two sentences concerning facts committed in 1978 and 1984. He has committed no crime and punishment terms are prescribed. He can consider himself a political prisoner. As many others unfortunately. As you know, the International Assembly elections have been confirmed to take place from the 13th to the 19th of February. The persons in charge are invited to spread this message. To change the world isn't useful just to those who promoted the Republic of the Earth. Everyone needs it. The results will be published within a few days from the end of the elections. Good luck. "


Monday, 07 February 2005 - "Millions of people fight each day for survival and in order to build future, nearly all their representatives and their lackeys do all they can in order to prevent them from doing it and to destroy.", Rodolfo Marusi Guareschi


Wednesday, 02 February 2005 - Republic of the Earth International Assembly. Middle East. Despite today's measure you've been promptly informed of, the dates from the 13th to the 19th of February have all been confirmed. We therefore ask again to stay calm and to moderate the use of the instruments at your disposal.


Monday, 31 January 2005 - They're trying everything in order to boycott the election of the republic of the Earth International Assembly scheduled from the 13th to the 19th of February 2005. Among the others, we point out the initiative from Italian Consob - Security and Exchange National Commission - that, evidently misusing its power, has asked providers from different Countries to deactivate the web sites that carry the lists of candidates and the election system with relative format.


Tuesday, 25 January 2005 - About the distribution of powers provided by the Constitution and about the election modalities of the Republic of the Earth International Assembly.


Monday, 24 January 2005 - Avatar S.p.A. purchases Parmalat, Cirio and Argentinean bonds.


Thursday, 13 January 2005 - To substitute actual currencies


Friday, 7 January 2005 – About the United States Dollar «recovery».


Thursday, 6 January 2005 –  For the Nations damaged by the Tsunami of the 26th of December 2004, Holos Global System program 2005 provides monetary resources equal to 2,647 billions US Dollars, as well as the free appropriation of 129 billion Dhana, par to 4,213 billion US Dollars, and nearly 5 billion Dhana for humanitarian aid, equal to 162 billion US Dollars. Each government from the damaged nations has been asked to point out the value of the resources necessary in order to face the effects of the disaster.


Tuesday, 28 December 2004 - World 2005 and Holos Global System – Totals XLSTotals PDF


Monday, 20 December 2004 - Redistribution of wealth through gold and revaluation of Dhana.


Wednesday, 15 December 2004 -  World 2005 and Holos Global System. PDF. Notes


Friday, 3 December 2004 - Some companies of the Holos Group (17,732 billions of euro group capital) are increasing their equity capital and have decided to accept the subscription of nominal value equity shares, for a total value par to 50 (fifty) millions of euro per Country, the maximum number of subscribers  will be 200 (two hundred) per Country, for a minimum unitary investment equal to the value of 250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand) euro. The subscribers are give the bond’s put and call, to be exerted, totally or partially, every six months until five years from the subscription. The option's price is equal to the subscription price increased by the 5% after 6 months, of the 11% after 12 months, of the 17% after 18 months, of the 24.5% after 24 months, of the 33% after 30 months, of the 42.5% after 36 months, of the 54% after 42 months, of the 67% after 48 months, of the 82% after 54 months and of the 100% after 60 months.


Wednesday, 1 December 2004 - Letter from Holos Holding regarding the initiatives it has taken.


Saturday, 27 November 2004 - About 10,000 new enterprises will be constituted in the south of Italy to put in to effect the national economic plan for the employment that Rinnovamento has been proposing since 1992, each plan will have a capital of 25 million Euro, for a total of 250 billions of euro. Each one of the new enterprises will issue bonds for 50 million euro in two years, totalling 500 billions of euro. The aim of all this is to fund new investments in the South for 750 billions of euro. As provided by Italian law, the bond's subscription will require a minimum unitary investment of at least 250,000 euro.


Wednesday, 24 November 2004 - Launched Planet Inhabitants Fund, the monetary fund of the inhabitants of the planet. It's properties will amount to 1756 billions of US Dollars.


Tuesday, 23 November 2004 - Instituted Balaloka, the Republic of the Earth's worldwide security force will become operative just after the election of the Republic of the Earth's International Assembly (from the 13th to the 19th of February 2005) and of the Republic's Government.


Thursday, 18 November 2004 - From the 17th November 2004 on, for 1 euro you need 1.30 dollars. The «Federal Reserve» - - declares the amount of the dollars in outstanding banknotes is more than 694 billions, guaranteed for the 18.4 per cent by fine gold reserves and the remaining by bonds and foreign currencies, in their turn mainly guaranteed by dollars. The 694 billion dollars in banknotes origin a total outstanding mass (M3) of 9,000 billion dollars, more than 13 times the value of the dollars in banknotes and more that 72 times the value of the fine gold reserves. In three years the dollar has lost the 52 per cent of its value. In two years, it will loose at least another 40 per cent. The dollars loss in value in regards to other currencies is slowed down only by the fact the other currencies are guaranteed by dollars and therefore also them loose value in proportion to the dollar. The loss of value from all the currencies (euro included), therefore the loss of the purchase power, is proportional to the States' public debts increase. Only Banks earn from public loans. Even if they will never receive the interests.


Tuesday, 16 November 2004 - He said … doc - pdf


Monday, 15 November 2004 - Amounts for the interest-free public loans addressed to each Country (to the States) re-fixed.


Monday, 8 November 2004 - Last audit of the group's total capital on 8 November 2004 of Holos Holding S.A..


Tuesday, 26 October 2004 - Within a few days from its election (fixed from the 13th to the 19th of February 2005), the International Assembly of the Republic of the Earth will elect the Republic's Government. From then on, the adherents to the Republic of the Earth will be able to exchange the Dhana currency with any other currency at the exchange rate par to 25 Euro per 1 Dhana.


Tuesday, 28 September 2004 - Two letters on the planet's current situation and on the Republic of the Earth as only alternative to the worldwide empire will be sent by e-mail all around the world


Thursday, 22 September 2004 - Message to the Iraqi combatants in Arab language (with English translation).


Friday, 27 August 2004 - According to official sources, yesterday 26 August 2004 in Iraq, the life of 450 Iraqis was violated, 74 of them and an Italian died.


Sorrow shares all the victims of these latest terrorist attacks with all the ones occurred before and to the ones that, unfortunately, will follow.


Is our condolence sufficient? Does it make us more conscious? How long will we continue to be slaves to our own indolence?


Friday, 20 August 2004 - Free allotment of shares for a nominal value par to 530,765,094,000 to Holos Global System program's promoters.


Thursday, 19 August 2004 - Last audit of the group's total capital on 18 August 2004 of Holos Holidng S.A..


Friday, 6 August 2004 - The program for the assignation of Dhana in the world has been updated. In order to lower the cost of the world's public debt each State has been offered a interest-free loan of 35 dhana per each inhabitant aged at least 16, against the only condition that after five years from each disbursement the loan will have to be transferred without any charge to the state's inhabitants.

Program for the assignation of Dhana in the World.

Letter carrying the interest-free public loan offer.

Program of the public Dhana loans in the world


Wednesday, 7 July 2004 - A new set of Dhana, guaranteed by a first recorded mortgage on building soils with value par to at least 25 (twenty-five) Euro per square meter, is about to be issued. Therefore the Dhana of this series won't be guaranteed by pledged bonds but by one square meter of building area worth 25 (twenty-five) Euro per one Dhana. Dhana is the only currency issued with a real entirely guaranteed value.


Tuesday, 29 June 2004 - Interventions in May and June in Iraq.


Monday, 28 June 2004 - Republic of the Earth and Dhana (pdf)(html)


Monday, 26 April 2004 - According to the Federal Reserve's data, the US Dollar's monetary mass (M3) has exceeded 9,000 billions, increasing from 8.939.5 billions at the end of February 2004 to 9,009.1 billions at the end of March 2004, that is a 0.778 per cent increase. If the quarterly increase, which from January to March 2004 has been equal to 2.15 per cent is considered, it is probable that during year 2004 the US Dollar monetary mass will increase by the 8.60 per cent, which means that the United States' currency will loose value by the same percentage. In this case, all the currencies' guaranteed by US Dollars would loose value according to the quantity of Dollars that guarantee them.


Saturday, 17 April 2004 - Last audit of the group's total capital on 15 April 2004.


Thursday, 8 April 2004 - Specifications about the guarantees of US Dollar, Euro and Dhana.


Friday, 2 April 2004 - Beginning from the 25th of April 2004, Dhana currency will be issued in tickets with intrinsic value equal to 25 Euro per Dhana. A lamina made of precious metals (silver, iridium, gold, osmium, palladium, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium) of different kinds and weight following the denominations (1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 Dhana and 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, and 500 Kana-Dhana) will be inserted in the tickets. Dhana in tickets with intrinsic value won't be guaranteed by capitals of enterprises but just from the value of the precious metal it contains: for example, the one Dhana ticket will be added with a platinum alloy who's value will be of approximately 25 Euro per gram. Dhana with intrinsic value is convertible in Dhana guaranteed by capitals of enterprises and vice versa.

File formats: XLS HTML PDF Information concerning the metals


Thursday, 25 March 2004 - The total resources provided by the Holos Global System program plus Dhana are equal to 27,618 billions of US Dollars (113,782 billions of International PPP Dollars), par to 22,094 billions of Euro (91,025 billions of international PPP Euro) - PPP = Purchase Power Parity - World - Country


Thursday, 19 February 2004 - Due to the decision of the Emission Committee of Dhura, beginning from today in the Italian Republic Dhana will be diffused without the reimbursement of the emission cost. The decision was taken upon request of the adherents to the Republic of the Earth of other Countries, which have put part of the Dhana they owned back to Dhura's disposal.


Thursday, 19 February 2004 - In relation to the interim injunction notified on the 16th of February 2004, Rodolfo, Tristano and Valerio Marusi Guareschi will be heard by the G.I.P. (preliminary investigations judge) in Rome, where they will go «free in their person and without an escort».


Tuesday, 17 February 2004 - The 13th of February 2004, Consob - National Commission for Societies and Stock Exchange of the Italian Republic, has enacted a measure against Avatar S.p.A. establishing that it can't promote Dhana's diffusion. The aforesaid measure has no effect, in fact Avatar S.p.A. has never promoted Dhana, it's just the company that has issued the 150 billions of Euro in shares, which its holder Holos Holding S.A. has pledged to guarantee the first six billions of Dhana emitted on the 14th of June 2001.


Monday, 16 February 2004 - At the end of October 2000, Rodolfo, Tristano and Valerio Marusi were victims of a fraud, which they discovered just today by receiving service of an interim injunction the G.I.P. (preliminary investigations judge) of Palmi (RC) ordered also to them, without that the Public Prosecutor had ever asked them about the event. The revocation of the aforesaid unjust and harmful measure addressed to them was requested immediately.


Saturday 14 February 2004 US Dollars M1-M2-M3 increase continues.


Friday 13 February 2004 Equity capital last check.


Thursday 5 February 2004 - Holos Global System World 2004 is fixed.


Tuesday 3 February 2004 - Dhura Communiqué - 59,851 locations with 179,553 agents were it will be possible to convert Dhana will soon be activated.


Friday 30 January 2004 - United States' public debt amounts to 6,998 billions of US Dollars, the 78.56 per cent of the US Dollar outstanding monetary mass (M3), which is 8,807 billions of US Dollars. The public debt of the Countries of the Euro zone is 3,795 billions of Euro, par to the 61.86 per cent of the Euro outstanding monetary mass, which is 6,134 billions of Euro. The ratio between 78.56 and 61.86 is equal to 1.2699, which is the same as the exchange rate between Dollar and Euro. Who's going to pay the public debts? The answer is easy: who detains Dollars and Euro.


Tuesday 27 January 2004 - US Dollar banknotes' real value (guaranteed by gold) is approximately equal to the 9 per cent of its nominal value, the one of the Euro approximately to the 25 per cent.


Saturday 17 January 2004Following the 2003 classification of the 500 largest companies in the world (Global 500 - 2003) published by «Fortune», the Italian Company Avatar Spa has the highest registered stock – 199,000 million EUR, par to 248,750 million USD nominal value, while all the others companies are estimated at stock market value (stockholder's equity) – and comes just before Vodafone Group Inc (second classified with 162.707 million EUR, par to 203,383.8 million USD). Avatar Spa is also 68th in the assets classification.


Tuesday 13/1/2004 Communiqué about the "Italy risk".


Wednesday 7/1/2004 The 50 billion Dhana issue scheduled within the 31st of December 2003, has been completed with a delay of one week. Until now 150 billion Dhana have been issued to be assigned (100 Dhana each participant to the Dhana Monetary System), guaranteed by capitals for a nominal value of 3,750 billions of Euro, 25 Euro each Dhana. Following the Regulations for Dhana, up to 7.5 billions of Dhana (the 5 per cent of the Dhana to be assigned) can be issued for humanitarian initiatives, guaranteed by enterprise's capitals worth 187.5 billions of Euro, always 25 Euro each Dhana. The next emission will be of 50 billion Dhana and is scheduled within the 30th of April 2004.


Tuesday 6/1/2004 The progressive devaluation of the Dollar and its relative loss of purchasing power, could cause the breakdown of the whole monetary system, Euro included, within August/September 2005.


Monday 29/12/2003 - With a 212,794 million SDRs (unit of account) capital, par to approximately 313,898 million US Dollars (253,042 millions of Euro), the International Monetary Found (IMF) is unable to accomplish its control task of the global monetary market, which consists of a monetary mass (M3) of 8,861 billions of US Dollars and of a value equal to more than 800 thousand billions of US Dollars in the world, more than half of them constituted by speculative transactions (160 thousand billions OTC).

If you also consider that the real value of one US Dollar is almost the 3.6 per cent of its nominal value and that the other currencies, Euro included, are guaranteed for more than the 70 per cent by US Dollars, the huge chasm where the monetary system is finished will appear to you.

In a few months, all the national currencies could lose up to the 90 per cent of their purchasing power.


Wednesday 24/12/2003 – Today the placing of the 44 billions Euro worth of debenture loans to be subscribed within 2003 has been completed. All the bonds have been placed abroad and converted in shares. The equity capital of Avatar SpA is now 199 billions of Euro, par to approximately 246.8 billions of US Dollars.


Saturday 20/12/2003 - The equity capital of the 732 holdings promoted from the 9th of August 2002 in 234 Countries in order to finance Holos Global System Program, initially equal to 12,441,616,445,458 US Dollars par to 12,695,526,985,161 Euro, which raised up to 16,165,468,420,746 US Dollars par to 13,711,169,143,974 Euro on the 23rd of May 2003, on the 18th of December 2003 was equal to 18,056,244,821,595 US Dollars par to 14,547,409,621,008 Euro, that's the 107 per cent of the expenditure estimated by the program.


Monday 15/12/2003 - Average work value in Dhana for each Country


Wednesday 26/11/2003 - After having vainly awaited a reply from CONSOB, to whom we pointed out the laws concerning the debenture loans issued the 25th of June 2003, we reopen the bond subscription operations, for 50 millions of Euro in Italy and for 45 billions of Euro in other countries.


We expect to complete the placing of 7 loans, for a total amount of 44 billions of Euro, within December 2003. One loan of 1 billion of Euro will be completed within the 31st of March 2004.


Wednesday 26/11/2003 - The 24 satellites provided by the Stellar Plan, which is one of the initiatives of Holos Global System  (, will be launched from the 21st of March until the 24th of April 2004.


The Stellar System is a via ether informative system that allows to obtain an answer to any question that already has one, in real time and free of charge. It's an interactive system and will work through new technology terminals.


The project has been elaborated during years 1990/1991 and always deferred because of several obstacles. The cost of the project, initially expected to be equal to 10 thousand billions of Lira, will be of 240 million Dhana, par to 6 billions of Euro (1 Dhana = 25 Euro).


Monday 18/8/2003 From Holos System to Holos Global SystemHolos Global System with the Republic of the Earth and Dhana Currency.


Thursday 14/8/2003 Holos Global System and Dhana in the world.


Tuesday 12/8/2003 A special denomination of 1,000 (thousand) Dhana is issued, with a value of issue of 25,000 Euro (approximately 28,250 US Dollars). The 1,000 Dhana tickets are only for humanitarian initiatives.


Monday 11/8/2003 Total of Dhana emission based to the world-wide population in the redefined.


Sunday 10/8/2003 World preview 2003 and Holos Global System.


Thursday 24/7/2003 Questions and answers on Holos Global System  


Thursday 10/7/2003 Organization Structure of Holos Global System.


Thursday 3/7/2003 People of various Countries in which was proposed Holos Global System suggest to acquire banks and media for promoting e realizing the thirty plans of the program especially the Republic of the Earth and the diffusion of its Dhana currency. To all of their, we answer that who has beyond 16 trillions of US Dollars (news of the 31 May 2003) cannot control  banks and mass media also. If we do it, we would be charged of wanting to do an «empire» and not «a world-wide democratic government». Besides, the same means would be used that have provoked  the wrong distribution of the wealth (banks) and arranged politicals apparently democratic (some press and televisions) that, instead, Holos Global System wants to improve. It is not only a moral choice but also a precise social, political and economic strategy, which we cannot lack. Navasthana(*). Rodolfo Marusi Guareschi.


(*) Navasthana is a greeting and means «new place» in Sanskrit.


Saturday 31/5/2003 - In date 23 May 2003, the equity capital of the 732 holdings promoted on August 9, 2002 in 234 Countries in order to finance the Program of Holos Global System, initially of 12,441,616,445,458 US Dollars (12,695,526,985,161 Euro), was of 16,165,468,420,746 US Dollars (13,711,169,143,974 Euro). The temporary employment of the equity capital had produced an increase of 29.93 per cent of the value in US Dollars and 8.00 per cent of the value in Euro in ten months. In the same time, the American currency has lost 19.9% regarding the Euro and the value of world-wide production (GDP) was reduced of 2.67 per cent.


Friday 23/5/2003 Agenda of Holos Global System’s Program.


Thursday 15/5/2003 - Official notice by Rodolfo Marusi Guareschi about politic-financial-istitutional conspiracy.


Friday 18/4/2003 Home arrests to Rodolfo and Tristano Marusi Guareschi are revoked.


Friday 11/4/2003 - Recorded message of Rodolfo Marusi Guareschi. Text.


Saturday 28/9/2002 - Sent Holos Global System to the states and the governments of 233 countries, for everyone of which it has been indicated the number of enterprises previewed by the ninth plan (Nava). The scheme of the number of enterprises for country is published on the official notice of the 5/2/2002. See the costs of all programs.


Saturday 14/9/2002 - Defined the costs nearly all the programs of Holos Global System:

1) Tejas – Development of the production and use of clean energy (eolica, hydroelectric, nuclear, biological, solar) on the entire planet, with investments of approximately 57.5 billions of EUR/USD (2.3 billions of Dhana);

2) Udaka – Increase of the water amount available and its redistribution, for a cost of approximately 340 billions of EUR/USD (13.6 billions of Dhana);

3) Asana – Food distribution to 777 million persons who suffer the hunger in the world, with a cost of 285 billions of EUR/USD to the year for three years, for a total of 855 billions of EUR/USD (34.2 billions of Dhana);

4) Ayus – Improvement of the health through search, therapy and prevention, for a cost of 450 billions of EUR/USD (18 billions of Dhana);

5) Jnana – Strengthening of the culture and the information, with the literacy of 1.4 billions of illiterates, with 7,700,000 didactic siets, for an investment of 77 billions of EUR/USD and 20 million teachers, for an annuale cost of approximately 150 billions of EUR/USD for three years, for a total cost of the program of 527 billions of EUR/USD (21 billions of Dhana);

6) Vadana – Spread of 252,000 interactive, similar centers of social communication to agorà, connected one to the other, for a total cost of 12.6 billions of EUR/USD (504 million Dhana);

7) Karoti – Sector and regional Plans of production – 1) America North, 2) America Center North, 3) Central America, 4) America Center South, 5) America South, 6) Europe North, 7) Europe Center, 8) Europe South, 9) Middle East 10) Asia Western North, 11) Asia North Oriental, 12) Central Asia, 13) Asia Western South, 14) Asia South Oriental, 15) Asia South, 16) Australia, 17) Africa Western North, 18) Africa North Oriental, 19) Central Africa, 20) Africa Western South, 21) Africa South Oriental;

8) Tetrakos – National Economic Plans of development, above all in the 141 Countries under world-wide the medium yield for-understood (7.000 EUR/USD), with a cost of 617.5 million EUR/USD (24.7 million Dhana);

9) Nava – Promotion and realization of 342,000 new enterprises in every field for assigned 83 million in three years, and others assigned 64 million in the successive three years, with a cost of 342 million EUR/USD (13.7 million Dhana);

10) Varga – An universal enterprise formed by from regional groups of approximately one million of enterprises on the entire planet, for 50 million workers directly occupied and others 100 million from the induced one, with a total cost of approximately 5,000 billions of EUR/USD (200 billions of Dhana);

11) Karana - World-wide development of means of production (machinery and systems to the 342.000 new enterprises) for a total cost of 3,885 billions of EUR/USD (155.4 billions of Dhana);

12) Bhaks - Development of the production of durable goods of consumption to use continued for a cost of approximately 115 billions of EUR/USD (4.6 billions of Dhana);

13) Seva – Development of the services for the enterprises and the private ones, with a cost of approximately 195 billions of EUR/USD (7.8 billions of Dhana);

14) Ecology – Program of environmental cleaning (air, water, ground) for a cost of approximately 45 billions of EUR/USD (1.8 billions of Dhana);

15) Kosa – Total system of financial relationships for the real economy (cost not defined);

16) Cinoti – Collection of the saving to assign to productive scopes (cost not defined);

17) Parasparam – Productive reinvestment of the produced wealth (cost not defined);

18) Synergy – System of social and commercial relationships between the enterprises in order to maximize the investments and use of the resources (cost not defined);

19) Vencap – Full use of potential productive of the existing enterprises, by means of sale programs in exchange for goods (cost not defined);

20) Vikraya – International Compensation of the commercial payments, a great operating center of applieds proceeds swap to world-wide level (cost not defined);

 21) Stellar – Interactive computer science system via ether in order to receive in real time an answer to whichever question for which answer exists already one, for a cost of 5 billions of EUR/USD (200 million Dhana);

22) Eka – Plan of personal emergency to total spread, with 315,000 centers of ready participation, for a cost of approximately 395 billions of EUR/USD (15.8 billions of Dhana);

23) Pat-Patati – New system of circulation with vehicles to vertical takeoff for single and groups, for a cost of 5 billions of EUR/USD (200 million Dhana);

24) Cyberbank – Data transmission bank for every system of communication (cost not defined);

25) Santi – Program to convert the war industry (cost not defined);

26) Avatar – World-wide Center of applied researches, for a cost of 750 million EUR/USD (30 million Dhana);

27) Renewal – Plan of programmed reform of the social, civil, political and economic relationships and behaviors through the participation (cost not defined);

28) Republic of the Earth – World-wide Government directly elected by the inhabitants of the planet (cost not entirely defined);

29) Dhana – New monetary unit of measure of the value based on the job (cost total of emission approximately 490 billions of EUR/USD, par to 19.6 billions of Dhana);

30) Kayamara – Researches on the causes of mortality of the cells, for a cost of 1.2 billions of EUR/USD (48 millions of Dhana).


August 9, 2002 - 732 holdings in 234 Countries will guarantee the emission of 497.664 billions of Dhana, equal a value of 12,441 billions of Euro/Dollars. 492.657 billions of Dhana (100 for everyone) will be assigned. Remaining 5 billions of Dhana (125 billions of Euro/Dollars) will be destined to humanitarian scopes.


Tuesday 5/2/2002 - Published in documents the outline (scheme) of the arranged effect of Dhana with the Universal Enterprise.


January 10, 2002 - In perspective of a world-wide conference on Dhana, the new currency of the Republic of the Earth, has been introduced a text on the history of currency and the characteristics of Dhana.


Wednesday 18/7/2001 - On the website ( published the initiative of the Republic of the Earth that has emitted Dhana, its currency.


Friday 25/5/2001 - Holos System is activated in 18 countries beyond to Italy.


Saturday 5/5/2001 - Also when an initiative has a total plan of improvement of the human relationships, it must maintain distinguished civil, political, economic, moral and religious instruments, that they affect the social relationships.