Johannesburg, September 3rd, 2002.

World-wide Summit on the sustainable development

Written participation send to the President of the Summit


Ladies and gentleman,

I thank who has allowed me to participate and to take part to this congress.

I will remember things of common knowledge but still not perceived and recognized, but to be said, if it is true that this encounter risks to close without facing the real problems of the world with adequate decisions and without the necessary determination.

Air, water, food, health, acquaintance, production, freedoms and peace join all the human beings. Like being born, living and dying.

To be born depends on the relationship between two persons, a man and a woman. Living depends on the relationship between all the persons, approximately 6.3 billions. To die depends on the relationship that everyone of us has with him self.

Thoughts, words and theories are useless if the decision to make is not made and above all what is decided is not made.

If we recognize that all these necessities are common to all the men, then the peace does not have to be considered being as moment or final scope of fundamental a process but as presupposed of a total process of solutions.

Without peace there will be always a majority of us that will not be able to fight for the own happiness.

The peace, the understanding of the problems, the common development, the moderation of the excesses. Here the priorities.

And if they cannot be realized by the states, well, they will be made by the people.

The current model of development is founded on the hegemony and the control of few of the resources, means of production, technology, and the currency.

This model has provoked a not bearable concentration of the wealth, excess of consumptions of a minority and poverty of the majority of the inhabitants of the planet.

These are not fantasies. They are true facts. They are the cause of our situation.

We live in a paradox. We have employed more resources in order to assert an improbable life after the dead rather than win the battle against sufferance and dead.

A new model of development requests the participation of the workers and of the citizens to the management of the economy and the enterprises, in the richer countries and in the poor ones.

The richer countries have the tendency to see those poor ones like occasions for market, while priority must be the re-balance and the redistribution of the resources and the wealth.

What has been taken with the force must be returned: human energies, resources, works of art, freedom, true information.

Mine is not a challenge against the states but a challenge against the poverty, the slavery from the need, the risk of a defeat for all.

We seem to be paranoid thinking that for the fact of discussing a problem we believed that it is resolved alone.

It is not like that. In order to obtain results investment must be made.

Once there were somebody who wanted to change the world. Unsuccessfully. Today it must be rescued. And for the first time we must rescue the human being and his environment.

As we do with human talent and its manifestations, we must learn to bow in front of a poor one, to a child who dies of hunger or for the outbreak of a mine, to who must fight for his own life and freedom.

That way, and only that way, we will demonstrate of being changed and being able to solve the problems that we have created.

The universe we know exists beyond 15 billions of years, the Earth 5 billions, the life on the Earth 4 billions, the human species less than 5 million years.

For 10,000 years, to survive, the man must produce. The production is our strategy of survival and development. And until we will not discover the way of producing matter directly from the energy, we will have to produce, transforming natural resources in products.

But to produce we cannot destroy all the one which has existed before us and also our self.

The universe is a whole of open systems constituted by interdependent parts. One of these systems is our planet, the environment of which we are part.

The life, the human organism, like a social group, are complex systems, in which the relationships and the behaviours of the parts affect every single part and the relationships and the behaviours of every single part affect the entire system.

Nobody can make alone and nobody can make only for him self. We must make together. Together we can. The hunger and the diseases can be defeated, pollution reduced, more water made available, more acquaintance obtained.

The proposals that I introduce are concrete.

Holos Global System has elaborated thirty plans oriented to the same aim, to help every human being to satisfy the own vital necessities and to fight for the own happiness:

- first, development of the production and use of the energy by means of alternatives sources not polluting;

- second, increase of the water amount available and its redistribution;

- third, complete and fast overcoming of the hunger in the world;

- fourth, plans for the health through search, therapy and prevention;

- fifth, strengthening of the flow of the information to every human being;

- sixth, spread of centre for social communication in order to promote a dialectic process to improve the perception of the problems;

- seventh, sector and regional plans of production;

- eighth, national economic plans for the development of the total economy and the occupation;

- ninth, promotion and realization of new productive units in every field with the participation of the workers to the capital and to the management of the enterprises;

- tenth, an universal enterprise constituted by regional groups enterprises operating in various fields to prevent and to exceed the cyclical crises;

- eleventh, world-wide development of means of production and spread to the populations that produce less wealth;

- twelfth, production of durable goods of consumption to continued use;

- thirteenth, development of the services for the enterprises and the private, using all the new possibilities of technology and communication;

- fourteenth, program of environmental program for the air, the water and the land;

- fifteenth, new total system of financial relationships founded on the real economy;

- sixteenth, collection of the saving to be assigned to productive scopes;

- seventeenth, maximum productive destination of the produced wealth;

- eighteenth, system of social and commercial relationships between the enterprises that produce goods and services;

- nineteenth, maximum use of the productive potential of the existing enterprises;

- twentieth, international compensation of the commercial payments;

- twentyfirst, interactive computer system via ether for giving in real time an answer to whichever problem where the solution is known;

- twentysecond, plan for personal security with global spread all over the planet;

- twentythird, new system of circulation with vertical takeoff vehicles;

- twentyfourth, bank data transmission for all means the mass media;

- twentyfifth, program of productive conversion of the war industry;

- twentysixth, world-wide centre of researches applied in every field;

- twentyseventh, plan of programmed reform of the human social, civil, political, economic, moral and religious relationships and behaviours;

- twentyeighth, world-wide government elected directly by the inhabitants of the planet;

- twentyninth, new monetary unit of measure of the value based on the natural resources and the work;

- thirtieth, search on immortality of the living cells.

The first actions will be to invest for:

- a value of 285 billions of dollars to the year for three years for giving food to 777 million persons who suffer the hunger;

- a value of 3,885 billions of dollars for means of production for the poor people;

- a value of 1,200 billions of dollars for schools, hospitals and medicines to the developing countries;

- a value of approximately 400 billions of dollars in order to cancel the foreign debt of the poor countries;

- a value of 340 billions of dollars for having more water available and improving its distribution.

In total, a value of approximately 6,500 billions of dollars, equal to a sixth of the annual world-wide gross product. It look like a big amount but in effects to solve problem of this magnitude we cannot talk in terms of few million of dollars.

To affect with these actions the current situation and generate a really revolutionary process towards the past, the present and the risks of the future, an only government and a single currency are necessary.

A world-wide government cannot be simple expression of the current states and of their conditionings but must be born from the bottom, from the people, and operate with the participation of the structures of the states.

Who has spoken about republic and world-wide government? The merit goes to Cicero who have defined in a clear way the understanding of the republic concept: " not like an aggregate of men, but as a whole of persons joined by the consent given to the laws and by a common interest ". In it, the civic and moral virtues acquired a primary role, expressed in the participation to the public life.

According to Plato, the instruments that would have to form the governors- philosophers are a regime of common property and a specific system of education. It is an olistic vision (from the Greek holos: an all entirety) of the history and the subjects that have constructed it.

Einstein asserted that " the only salvation for the civilization and the human species resides in the institution of a world-wide government, so that the security of the nations is based on the law.

Plato, Cicero, Einstein, de Béthene, Penn, Saint Pierre, Montesquieu, Rousseau,  Kant, Singer, Niels, Tamames, Berlinguer, Gorbaciov, Palme, Luther King, Bobbio and many other illustrious personages have indicated in the world-wide government as the solution to the injustice and to the conflicts.

The Republic of the Earth is born from the bottom.

Article 1 of its Constitution establishes that it is a democratic government system of the inhabitants of the planet and their groups for living in peace in the best possible way, that draws origin from the existing political structures and finds its cause in the necessity to face the material problems, in order to guarantee to every human beings the right to believe in his happiness and to act for realizing it in the respect of the others and the nature.

I hope that the existing political structures, the states, share this proposal.

A world-wide currency cannot be founded on nonexistent monetary values but on the only really existing material values: the resources and the work.

In the years seventy, Friederich von Hayek, prize Nobel for the economy, had proposed a not state monetary system in order to guarantee to the currency a real value.

Von Hayek was not for sure neither a Communist neither a Socialist but a convinced liberal. It has been made differently. The result is that today the money in circulation is over 17 times the world-wide wealth produced yearly and exceeds the value of all the existing assets on the planet.

Dhana is based on capitals of enterprises, on goods and services, not on credits or other currencies also lacking of real value.

I ask the states to accept Dhana like new unit of measure of value and the Republic of the Earth as world-wide government directly elected by the citizens.

Otherwise, Dhana and the Republic of the Earth will be made independently to the states. But it would be an error. And the responsibility would be of the persons who leads the states.

Rodolfo Marusi Guareschi